Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day 31 - You got me!

I cried after the last set of floor jumps today. I don't even know where the tears came from...tears of relief? "Thank God, that was the last set! Boo-hoo-hoo?!" :) You're smiling right now, aren't you, Patrick? Sadist! I finally reached failure in the leg-ups. Jesus! And, somehow pushed through an extra 10 seconds in the last of the planks, but it felt like an earthquake in my tummy. I, also, finally reached failure in the tricep dips, which meant that double katanas the way they are pictured were useless. I couldn't even do one with the easiest weight of resistance band. So, I did a little modification. I took the medium weight band and used just one handle with both hands. I was able to do 3 sets and still feel a good burn. I assume this is acceptable, because otherwise, I would have done nothing. I'll play around with it and find the sweet spot where I reach failure in set 3.

I cooked some curried quinoa this morning to take for my lunch carb. Finally! I understand now why Royce eats this stuff ALL THE TIME! It's sooooo yum! Why have I never had it before? And, a lean steak salad. My body was craving red meat this week. I don't know if y'all get cravings like that...but, I do. And, when my body calls for red meat, I answer the call. I got the leanest cut I could find...and, it looks soooooo good! Mmmm...steak salad (threw in some steamed eggplant, raw tomato and garden green peppers), with curried quinoa on the side. I can't wait for lunch and I just finished breakfast.

Have a fabulous day, TEAM SEXAAAAY!!!! Good luck with Day 31 if you haven't done it yet. Holy crap!


  1. Your katana fix sounds fine. Also remember you can just step on the band with one foot. Tears are good.

  2. Sounds like a great lunch! I had some tears today too. :)

  3. AHHH ONE HANDLE !!! GOOD CALL. ill try that. dumb me dumb me
