Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 52 - The Paddle is coming for you!

I'm kinda scared of myself in this picture. I've got this like, "Don't f$%! with me" look, but really it's just me concentrating on trying to flex my muscles and stand up straight because the ground was all uneven.

No, that is not an outhouse behind me! I don't live that far into the country...that's my little water pump house. I decided to take outside pictures this morning to minimize set up time. This was the best place for the position of the sun.

Holy crap! I'm soooo skinny. I don't think I've ever been this toned in my entire life, ever! It's really weird to touch my thighs and feel rock, not squishiness, and even weirder to touch my abs.

Anyway, no deep thoughts for tonight other than, what in the hell will I look like after the next 5 weeks pass???

Go TEAM SEXAAAYYY!!! Everyone looks great this week! Also, go TEAM 30 days behind us!! Y'all rock, too!


  1. holy moly! you look awesome. i am sooo jealous of those abs!

  2. Six packs, arms, back, all the muscles are developing! Beautiful!
    You can make a Charlie's angels !!!

    I was a big fan of Farrah Faucette. Well.. you probably don't know who I am talking about.

  3. Great ab shape. Nice symetrical square muscles. Train as much as you want, but you can't change the shape of your abs. I'm stuck with this sharp "V" that disappears into nothing!

    See what I mean? I'm pretty jealous of your genes! You owe it to the world to show off that abdominus rectus!

  4. @ Naoko: Of course, I know Farrah Fawcett! I was born in the late 70's lady. :) She died same day as Michael Jackson. Tragic really that her death from cancer was overshadowed by that ordeal.

    @ Patrick: I'm totally blushing right now! No one's ever complimented my ab shape before. :-D Thanks! I do see what you're talking about...I never realized there were different ab shapes.
