Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 37 - A new level of BADASS

Yesterday I was wondering if I was working hard enough. Today, I got my answer. After cursing and groaning through pistol squats and then creeps, I stood up, exhausted, dripping sweat, body bathed in the rising sun...and, what did I see? Clouds of steam evaporating off of my skin. Ok, I can't help it, that is just BADASS. I felt like Rocky or something.

Ok, ok, so I know it has a lot to do with the weather. It cooled off a lot last night and it was EXTRA humid this morning. Still, pretty cool special effects. Thanks mother nature!!!

I gave it my all this morning, and I'm exhausted because of it. I plan on an extra early bedtime tonight. I need it, badly. I can feel the ache in my muscles as they try to rebuild themselves. And, boy, have I been hungry, even with all the extra food. I think my diet is perfect this week, but I am burning some serious calories right now. I can feel it happening. I've also been rather grouchy and a little over-sensitive. Perhaps I should get some meditation in my life. I'd benefit from it.

I'm also gaining weight now. I bottomed out at around 96ish lbs mid-week last week. My morning weight today was 98. Gooood, very gooood. :)

Anyway, hope everyone in Team SEXAAAY is surviving the pain! I'm thinking of you every single morning.

Oh! PS New pics are posted....check out the crazy tummy/rib muscle in the 2nd pic! What is it???

1 comment:

  1. From here on you'll be filling up your body with muscle, and getting heavier and heavier!
