Friday, July 16, 2010

Day 46 - Sin & Punishment

Ahhhh...just woke up from a 2-hour nap. You know, one of those where you wake-up, look at the clock and think, wow!, is it really 6PM already? I needed it, badly. I'm trying to decided how to start this post, funny story first or last, let's save the best for last.

Sin #1! Tara posted about being tired, really tired and hating parts of the workout. I'm going to take her cue and talk a bit about both of those things in relation to this morning's workout. I woke up at 4 AM this morning, stretched my toes and legs and my right calf immediately seized on me. OUCH! Not pleasant. Tried to go back to sleep, but just couldn't, got up around 4:45 AM. I'm pretty sure the charley horse was a product of overwork. Sometimes when I'm in a really great mood, I'll put on music and dance around my kitchen like I'm a ballerina, up on my toes. I'm sure I look nothing like a ballerina, but it enjoy the way it feels to work and stretch my muscles and plie and bend my body all around. With the workouts I'm already doing, perhaps I need to take it a bit easy on my body when I have these spontaneous dance sessions. And, perhaps I should get some real training so I'm not injuring my body by doing things wrong. This made my leg workout especially heinous this morning. Also, I was consciously trying to take some of the work off my quads and focus on my gluts a bit more in the squats. I pushed myself to the max, when I was already over-tired and as a consequence it made the workout much less fun.

Sin #2. I folded under social pressure and went out with some co-workers for lunch today. They suggested a place called Bahn Thai, because they were trying to stick within the limits of my diet. They figured there would be lots of veggies, rice & chicken, so it'd be good. I thought, yeah, Thai food, I can find something a little lighter with lots of veggies, no problem. I did NOT realize it would be a buffet. An Asian buffet may have been the worst thing I could do for me and my new diet. Yes, there were tons of veggies, good veggies ruined by TONS of oil. So, so oily. I ate it, because well, it's what there was to eat. A half hour later my digestive system was in ruins. IN RUINS! Oh God, it's still a little in ruins. I drank my yogurt and am about to steam some veggies and have some extremely-PCP fish to try to put myself back together again. I have been punished for my sin, but it leaves me wondering about my post-PCP life (much like Tara). If this is how my body reacts to indulgences, am I ever going to enjoy a normal social night out at a restaurant again? Perhaps I shouldn't be so hard on myself, even in pre-PCP life I didn't eat Asian buffet often. Still, it makes me hesitant to want any restaurant food at this point. It hurt, people, really hurt! (If any of my co-workers are reading this, the company was fabulous and made up for my post-buffet pain!)

So, all of this prompted me to come home, lay down on my couch and hard-core crash for 2 hours. Wow.

Ok, and now for the funny random story. My cat, Hershey, very much loves his attentions. This morning he was up on my dresser, rolling around, meowing and trying furiously to get loves from me. I was, of course, ignoring him because I was trying to get ready for work and get out the door. He started rubbing his face on the corner of my 1.5 gallon Beta fish tank. I went to scold him for it....worried he might push it off and he flipped the f@$* out, and did exactly what I was afraid he would do...knocked the tank off the dresser. I watched in slow motion as the tank tipped water, fish, plants and rocks onto my bed and then onto the shag carpet below. NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! I, then, flipped the f@$* out. Poor Hershey! He hid all morning. It took me almost an hour to get the situation under control as it required stripping my sheets, lifting my heavy queen mattress off my bed and pulling my bed out to get to the carpet below. The fish is alive and well and the tank is back up and running. My carpet is ALMOST dry and my comforter is at the dry cleaners. ~sigh!~ It was funny, really funny, to anyone that was not me in the moment. :-/ One day, I hope to be centered and balanced enough that I can watch that happen and immediately laugh at the beautiful chaoticness of it. Not there yet!

Wow, long post, hope you were able to make it to the funny story! Enjoy your weekend. I'll be going to see Inception tonight, taking a banana, some cherries, yogurt & water with me for the movie. Screw popcorn. My digestive system has had enough for one day.


  1. OMG, the thing about the fish tank: hilarious and awful. Yes, funny after the fact but I can imagine it was terrible at the moment! Thank goodness the fish is OK!

    Wow, so interesting about the effects of your lunch. This is the thing that keeps getting to me: I want to be in exceptional shape, not like the rest of the world, yet somehow part of my brain thinks I can BEHAVE like the rest of the world (eat, drink, be lazy) and still accomplish that. I don't like feeling like the "outcast" but I do like my increasingly sculpted shoulders, and I like running up the stairs in my house carrying a 25-pound kid and not feeling winded or tired. I'm hoping that by the end of this process we'll find a way to balance.

  2. I totally crashed today also.... Whew....

    Patrick says it is the valley.

    Glad we're all in it and its not lonesome.
