Sunday, July 25, 2010

Day 55 - A new kind of midnight snack

Good social weekend. I feel like I'm finally settling into a routine that makes it easier to fit my life around my social calender in a comfortable way.

Some of my friends are in a band. I went to see them play last night. Big drinking event. I drank two bottles of water. Danced my ass off and had a blast! I didn't at all feel uncomfortable about not drinking alcohol, and instead of joining my friend's in a late night Taco Bell run, I held off for my fruit/milk/egg at home. I knew it would be a late, active night and that I would be hungry at the end. So, I came home, drank my milk & egg and made a bowl of frozen banana, blueberries, milk & honey.! I wanted more when I was done, turned the bowl up and slurped every last drop of milk and honey out of the bowl. Best midnight snack ever!!!

Anyway, I'll keep this post short. Still got some work to get done. Hope all had a great weekend!! I know I did. :) Does this mean I'm through the valley??? That wasn't so bad.


  1. AHHH SOUNDS DELICIOUS. maybe my next endulgence will be a barrel of bananas
