Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Day 50 - Really???

So, what there's like 40 days left? I keep looking at my progress bar and thinking that the time is passing SO QUICKLY! I have a confession to make...I know, I know, I'm such a sinful Jenny, I'm always confessing something! Sooooo, maybe, I MIGHT have continued my indulgence into one more beer tonight. It was extenuating circumstances. One of my best dude friends in the world (seriously, he's like in the top 3) defended his dissertation and became a doctor of philosophy today. YES HE'S A REAL DOCTOR (of philosophy)! :) 7 years worth of classes, exams, research, goofing off, procrastinating, kissing ass, stressing out, working through the night, drinking/smoking through the night to kill the depression and generally just doing something that most of the population is smart enough to avoid....is coming to an end. I felt like it deserved a celebratory beer. And, then, I was smart enough to stop at one, drink a water and come home to this:

There's some salmon buried underneath those veggies. I wasn't super hungry so I figured this was the way to go....It's yum!

Energy was high today. The workout was great! It's weird, I was really dreading the leg work. I mean, DREADING. I actually looked at it last night and laughed. Yeah, right, like I'm going to be able to do floor jumps after the other stuff. I did them, though and I did them well. I failed, of course, and it hurt, but it wasn't as bad as my mind had built it up to be. Hmmmm....I feel like there's a lot of random thoughts rolling around in my mind right now. Let me unload a couple.

My boobs are shrinking. Not that this is a surprise to anyone....everyone's boobs are shrinking, including Royce's. Still, I'm barely fitting into a 32AA nowadays, if they shrink anymore, they'll start pointing inwards. I keep thinking it's time to burn the bras, but I still have headlights when I get cold. I can't teach with headlights! Gotta wear a bra.

I've been flexing in the mirror. It's scary crazy what it looks like...in a good way. I'm a bit self-conscious about taking pictures like that though. I'll try for this round. New pics will come in the next couple days. I know you all can't wait to see the muscly, boobless me! My ass looks nice. Still lookin' like a woman from behind.

Alright, getting sleepy. Time for fruity, milky goodness and bed! Good night, PCPmates! xo!


  1. Jenny I did the same thing! I did a little bonus indulgence and had wine and some salad (very lightly dressed) and some salmon at my org's summer benefit tonight. My reason isn't as awesome as yours, but I think we're both excused, since we didn't go overboard and we kept ourselves grounded afterwards. so, no biggie! (and, confessions are good.)

    also, my boobs are smallest they've ever been. my sister looked at me the other day and actually said "aww, your boobs are so small and cute now." this from the DD 17 year old with all kinds of perkiness!

  2. The boobs will come back! Don't worry.

  3. The boobs...yes...I think I've lost most of my weight in the mammary glands. Sigh.

    Jenny, seriously, I think you are doing PCP so well. Glad your energy level is back up.

  4. I want my belly to shrink not my boobs!
    Why can't we choose the part of our body?

  5. I KNOW, right??? Or, redirect the fat loss into our boobs.

    "Ok, THIGHS, into the boobs. GO!" Hmmm, nope, didn't work.

  6. I second (third?) Naoko's comment!!
