Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day 47 - Ahhh, yoga

I practice yoga occasionally on my own, but the truth is, it's been years and years since I went somewhere and practiced with a group. Sin #3, perhaps? Piggy-backing on Sarah's comments about community, I love yoga in a group setting b/c 1) the community feel & 2) I can really start to focus on my posture and my poses, esp. since I know someone is watching. I expect that I will try to make it to a couple classes a week. Today was a Hatha class, and I enjoyed it immensely! Stretched my body out GOOD. Worked up a nice sweat, too. I'll go back. And, I'd like to pick one more during the week. Perhaps a more beginner type class so I'm a little better educated on names of poses and whatnot. Anyway, it was a great experience and I think great complement to PCP for the stretching, balancing aspect.

Also, I just have to say that I am so completely envious of all of you folks that get to workout with Patrick. One, b/c I think it'd be nice to meet this dude who is having such a huge influence on my life and its path. Strange only knowing him as a face in pictures and a voice on podcasts. Very strange. Two, b/c I know that if I was working out with Patrick, I'd work harder! Perhaps I should construct a gigantic cardboard stand-up of Patrick with a bubble hanging over his head saying, "One more! Do it!". No, no, that would be weird, wouldn't it? Haha! Yes, very, very weird. :)! Anyway, there'd be this great place to take my weekly pictures AND measure my stats (I assume that's why all those Japan PCP peeps know all those numbers) and yoga and meditation. SO ENVIOUS! Then again, I get this great big backyard to play in...and, that is pretty f'n fabulous. I'd say that balances it all out. Maybe one day soon, I'll try a video post and give everyone a tour of the Haddle Homestead. It is quite nice out here, when I allow myself to sit and be quiet in my space.

Hanging my pull-up bar today! Very exciting!


  1. Heh, I'm not much of a "come on, one more!" type, I just look at you with skepticism if you're not digging deep. Come over anytime!

    Why not go take some yoga classes? It will only help you on the road to PC.

  2. Is Patrick in Japan?

    When Naoko wrote that she was working out with Patrick I was suddenly so worried that maybe each one of us has to find some kind of video conferencing and Patrick would watch us/me do our exercising routine...which in my case was both a horrifying and motivating fact. For the last few days I've been hearing his voice, when I'm doing particularly sucky at some thing like the V sit (yes pulling my legs up...) or jumping and tripping on the rope every 30 jumps (which I still do because I am a clumsy person who thinks too much)...and I hear him saying "Oh my God! Woman!! Have you been listening to anything I said at all? Have you done any of these exercises? " And there I'd be clutching my little jumprope and looking pitiful.

    It's all quite confusing.

    But back to you Jenny, which this is supposed to be about - it seems like you are in the valley but smart enough to look around for some community support (real life). Not just us out in the ether.

  3. Yes in this Team Sexaaay, I'm the only one who gets to do workout with Patrick and I know I am lucky.
    When I saw Elena in NYC, she also asked me about Patrick.
    Patrick is very KIBISHII (which means "strict" in Japanese), ha ha.
    I wish we could all meet at Patrick's studio in Yokohama, Japan. It would be fun to do our workout together and have PCP lunch together.
    And I can show you guys around Yokohama, Tokyo and my area by the beach.

  4. OMG! That does sound fun! Okay, people, we need some teleportation in our lives.
