Thursday, June 3, 2010

On soreness

Since there's been a little discussion on soreness, I thought I'd relate a story about a group class I went to at the UF gym. Boot camp. I'm not really sure why boot camp sounded like something I'd want to do, but well, I like challenging myself (seems like perhaps we all do to take on the PCP)...and, when I say challenge myself, I mean push myself to find my breaking point. Boot camp seems like the logical place to go for this sort of "challenge" (aka evil torture). So, I go to this group class, and they bust my ass...the kind of ass busting that results in muscles that barely move the next day. I waddled around work the day after looking all sad. Even sitting was a chore. And, then came day two, I should have just stayed home with a bottle of ibuprofen and a bubble bath. I recovered in just enough time to go back for boot camp torture the next week. This lasted for 3 weeks until I started my qualifications exams (a different kind of torture) and boot camp fell the wayside.

I relate this story mostly to thank Patrick for easing us in....our muscles are sore, yes, but this seems like a much more healthy sore than the boot camp after-waddle. Anyway, glad to hear everyone is holding up against the soreness. Pain, a sensation to remind us that we are, indeed, still alive!

Day 3, workout went fine. I decided I have to wear long pants for the jumps outside. Yesterday, the mosquitos ate me alive! Little blood-sucking bastards! I did all the strength work inside. Seems to work better that way. I hooked my feet under my sofa for the sit-ups and it was MUCH more effective. My abs were sore and I could really feel the burn this morning. So, something is happening in there. I love the push-up bars. Those are the greatest little things ever...they give me a good work-out and save my right wrist from a good amount of pain.

Food. I have some brats left in my fridge from a cook-out this weekend. So, I ate half a brat with a small sliver of cheese for breakfast and the other half for lunch. I could feel the lunch brat...even half was heavy on my stomach after eating light for the last couple days. Please refer to pic below for dinner. I ended up only eating half of the sauteed zucchini. I just wasn't super hungry and saved it for breakfast. Also had a small salad with various veggies for lunch and a handful of blueberries for a snack. Drank the last good beer out of my fridge. Done, beer all gone. And, my girl made that mock apple (zucchini) pie tonight. So, I had a small spoonful with a spoonful of vanilla ice cream. It was GOOD!

Okay, night y'all! Hope Day Four treats you well tomorrow.


  1. Oh how lovely dahlin.
    I agree, I adore the workout pain. It feels nice to have it again.

    I can't wait to get those pushup bars for myself!! They look cool so I want them in my bedroom.

    tastey looking dinny!

  2. I've been sore for, oh, 51 days straight now....but like you say, its good sore, makes you feel like its working!

  3. My husband bought the push-up bars probably a year ago (and used them maybe twice) so I was happy to have them in the house already. They make a big difference! My wrists are sensitive too -- this has always been a difficult thing in yoga, when you spend so much time with your hands flat on the floor -- so the push-up bars really take the pressure off. (Wonder if I could hang out in downward dog using the push-up bars...)

    I agree with you, too, on the correct amount of soreness. I've been to those yoga or pilates classes that leave me practically crippled the next day, and while I feel a little proud that I worked hard, I can tell you that I don't want to go back. So far, these workouts are activating things without making me miserable and making me want to avoid the next one.

    I hear you on the mosquitoes! They're big here in Kentucky but nothing compared to those Florida buggers!

  4. i got my first mosquito bite of the season last night. ugh. one jellyfish sting and one bite, welcome to summer (I still love it though!).

    You write the truth about this pcp sore vs. the 'i've-overdone-it-at-this-class" sore. The former is so much more sane than the latter, and I used to go to those classes also. Again, like Patrick says, it's the lower intensity consistency that seems to be key here, I guess.

  5. The soreness of my knee is quite different from the overall good soreness. I think we can tell the difference if something is a welcome change, the slow stretch and growth of the muscles, and when we've done too much or landed wrong and something needs a little extra time to heal. This is hard for me to learn because I tend to be FEAR based and every little thing is probably "brain cancer" or something worse... is there something worse?
