Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 21 - Gross bodily functions

Yes, that is the topic of today's blog. If gross bodily functions make you want to hurl, I suggest foregoing this post. If they make you laugh hysterically, then you should read on.

So, I've noticed some interesting changes in my body and its general functioning.

1) I've been really gassy lately (I told you! This post is about gross bodily functions. Deal with it!) Gassy from both ends. I feel especially sorry for my office mate. But, seriously though. I'm burping all the time! I mean, don't get me wrong...I've always been a talented burper. It's my thing. I've got this amazing sound projection. Such that, it sounds like a 300 lb man burp coming out of my 100 lb lady frame. It really throws people off. But, it's happening way more frequently now, like after most meals. And, the gas from the other end is always there lurking, waiting to urgently escape my body at the most inopportune times. I don't really know what's causing it...all the veggies, my egg in the morning, meh, who knows? Perhaps it will subside...

2) Yesterday was the start of "that time of the month" for me. The big surprise here was less cramping. I had some small cramps, so I knew what was coming. But, I barely felt them...when often in the past, I'd wake up in the middle of the night from the pain. The only relief was ibuprofen. Either the cramps are less or I'm developing a much higher pain tolerance. I'm fine with either of the above options. Anything that equals less pain is fine by me!

3) Ok, this one kinda trips me out. When we got Patrick's email about the changes that might occur and he mentioned the pooing after every meal bit, I sorta scoffed at that particular change. I thought, "PUHHLEEASSE!" I've been regular since I can a day, 5-10 minutes after waking. How is that going to change in 3 weeks? But, Patrick, you were right. It's started. After every lunch, bam!, the urge is upon me. Dinnertime, not so much yet. But, breakfast & lunch, yep. I'm not sure how I feel about this, though. I kinda like getting that shit (hahaha!, stupid pun intended) out of the way early. :-/ I mean, I guess I'll have to get more comfortable dropping a load in public restrooms. ~sigh~

As a general update, the weekend went fine. No beer or cupcakes passed these lips. I stuck to the workouts. Well, actually, I subbed a 6 mile run for jumping on Sunday. It was nice, but I plan on cutting back on running after the 4th. However, I went swimming this morning with a friend of mine. That might become a regular Monday event....along with jumping. I sooooo enjoyed the feeling of the water against all my muscles as I swam. LOVE swimming. I was on the swim team in high school so my body easily falls back into my training from then (15 years ago, %$@$%#%!!!). And, it's so fun to back stroke in an outside pool, lay back and watch the sun rise! Yes, a regular Monday event.

Alrighty, kiddies! I leave you with this, the milkshake of the GODS:

3/4 frozen bananas to 1/4 frozen blueberries, milk, dash of cocoa powder, cinnamon, even smaller dashes of nutmeg, cardamom, blend. DRINK!!! But, not too fast, or you'll get brain freeze like me.


  1. ohhh, love the milkshake! A coworker is giving me her blender so I'm going to start doing the same with my evening snack of fruit and milk. can't wait!

  2. p.s. i have the poo thing happening, too.

  3. damn BOTH of your pooing! I'm insanely jealous, I've been damn constipated all week. THE EXACT REVERSE of everyone and their frequent poop.


  4. When the foods not stuffed with additives, it moves right on through. Ah what a feeling!

  5. i had a severe case of gas the other day! but its not so bad now, duno what it was. haha. yum that smoothie looks so good! im not sure when i could have that tho, cause my fruit and milk are at seperate times - does it have to be?

  6. Smoothie!!!
    I definitely try that!!

    I confess...I am gassy, too!!

  7. Wow. Nothing like telling the truth!! Did you eat a "new" vegetable? One that you hadn't had before?

    Smoothie heaven.

  8. Way to go with getting through the weekend successfully!!
