Sunday, June 6, 2010

Day 6 - Ouch!

My butt hurts...and the backs of my thighs! Owie, owie, owie! I can't decide if it's from increasing the squats, from walking around for 3 hours in ridiculously high (but sexy) heels or from dancing for 2 hours late into the night. I don't know, but damn. I had a late night snack when I got home last night. A cup of milk & a handful of blueberries. I like to drink milk before I go to bed if I'm a little wired. Calms me somehow. And, I'm sorry, but it's WAY too hot & muggy in Florida right now to drink chamomile tea before bed. My house is without A/C, so this time of year, I prefer iced drinks. I wonder if chamomile tea is good cold?

I have not done the exercises yet today, but will take care of them soon. I got up and went peach picking this morning with some friends. I brought back 7 lbs of peaches. I sure hope that fruit is in the diet this week, cause I got some peach eatin' in my future. For breakfast, I had an egg scrambled with a little bit of cheese, half a potato (fried) and some watermelon. Lunch, 1/2 bratwrust (still some in fridge) and cucumber/yogurt/mint salad. Not sure about dinner yet. I'll have to root through the fridge. I don't want to do any shopping until I know more clearly what I need to be shopping for this week.

Okay, off to catch up on everyone's posts & start checking some of the stuff off of today's to do list.

UPDATE: Work-out complete. Jumprope + humidity = hell? Ridiculous humidity this afternoon! Florida summers, how I love you! By the end of my sets of push-ups, I was dripping streams of sweat on my towel.


  1. It's super hot and muggy in NYC too - it takes me as much time as the workout itself does to stop sweating afterwards!

  2. Gosh I wish I was pouring sweat here! it's so damn rainy , ferociously rainy. gOOD WORK today though jenny!

  3. It is getting hot in Japan and soon humid summer will come. Every time I work out I have to take shower immediately, I sweat so much even after 15 min. or so work out. What is going to happen when work out takes more than 30 min??

  4. I love it when I get out of my post-workout shower and I'm STILL sweating!
