Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 28 - The Parsley Debaucle

This post goes out to the Mindfulest hosts. Thank you for making me laugh out loud on several occasions at work. I think it was the last podcast where there was discussion of parsley and gardening. Parsley is so much more than a garnish. I use it all the time, so much so, that I really wish I had 4 or 5 plants of it growing in my garden. I tried growing it from seed this year, and none of it sprouted. It’s very finicky (this is also the case for cilantro), especially in the Florida heat. If you can get it to sprout and grow beyond a few leaves, it does pretty well. Parsley is awesome in dressings and marinades. It’s also is a key ingredient in many of my seafood sauces. An understated but valuable herb.

So, I decided I wanted some parsley in my balsamic vinaigrette this weekend. I didn’t have any fresh, but I did have a tube of parsley blend that I use to substitute for such occasions.

I promptly squirted a nice size blob into my dressing, wiped the leftovers off the tube with my finger and deposited them in my mouth. Raw parsley’s not bad; it’s got a fresh herby, grassy sorta flavor. This is what I was expecting. What I got was….dum, dum, dum…salt, loads of salt, with zero parsley flavor (at least that’s what it seemed like to me). Ugh! I was super disappointed. WTF???
Hey, at least there’s ton of Vitamin C per serving! I’ll finish the dressing, even with the salt. I’m still disappointed, though. I’ll never buy the tubes again, and they’re so convenient for occasions where I’m out of a certain herb.

The workouts went okay this weekend. The creep kicked me butt up and down and every which way. I’m still sore from it. My swim this morning helped loosen things up in my legs without putting too much pressure on them. ‘Twas good. Looking forward to this week’s menu. I’ll try to get some new pics posted tonight or tomorrow.


  1. I admit ignorance when it comes to parsley. I just don't know what to do with it.

  2. thats a bugger about those tubes. urgh those creeps are awful!

  3. I'm also using parsley and cilantro ALL the time! Today I sprinkled a nice handful of both on chapati with veggies and salmon for a most delicious and taste-filled wrap. YUM.

  4. My mother (the world's healthiest 76 year old, takes parsley and puts a handful in the blender with water and then she whips it into a pale verdant frenzy and drinks it. She claims it is cooling and cleansing.

    Those tube things are awful because the herbs are dead. They put in some kind of preservative (often a natural one) but the herb itself is dead. Kaput. It is like an embalmed version of your favorite aunt. Not the real thing.

  5. Don't you just love how they include chemicals to "protect color retention"? As if that's REALLY important to the taste. But it IS important for fooling customers into thinking it's "fresh," because it looks green.

  6. As Patrick says, if it comes in a can, bottle, tube, etc. it probably has a lot of crap in it that we don't need....

  7. Jenny, I would totally have been fooled by those herbs in a tube! I've seen them at the store and thought they looked like a decent idea. Good thing you read the ingredients! I picked up some frozen shrimp the other day that unfortunately include salt too. Why? Why???
