Saturday, June 5, 2010

Day 5 - Murder & Dancing

A quick post before I head out for some 80's dancing tonight! Woohoo! So far, success on the no beer resolve. And, let me tell you, it was not easy. I just got home from a Murder Mystery party (A Knight of Murder) hosted by people I don't really know all that well. But, almost everybody else knew everybody else. Not drinking at an event where I have to dress up, play a character and interact with a bunch of people I barely know...well, it ain't no cake walk. Still, I had fun!

As a general update, it's been a light food day, but I treated myself to a spicy tuna roll. So worth it! The workout was a little tough this morning. Maybe because I went to bed so late? About 1AMish. I'm an early riser, so even when I go to bed late, I still tend to wake up early. I've been doing bigger sets of jumps. So, I did two 140 this morning and one 70. But, I tripped a lot in the second 140 and I was pretty winded by the end. I did 3 sets of 8 plank push-ups, until failure on the 4th set...and, I switched back to knees. But, still, I was proud of that accomplishment and totally dripping sweat on the floor by the end. The sit-ups were a challenge to but pushed through them. All in all, good day.

Alrighty, off to shake my ass to a little Madonna and possibly some New Order & Prince!


  1. haha CONGRATS on making it through a murder mystery party sober. THAT is a success worth celebrating

  2. Good for you! I think it's interesting to see how we use alcohol to take the edge off of uncomfortable situations. But you can probably dance longer without beer!

  3. 140! You are my jumping idol!!

  4. I had a murder mystery birthday party in 3rd grade and it reigns as the best party I've ever had. I should have another one - maybe during the grad school equivalent of 3rd grade? hmmm.
