Monday, August 16, 2010

Your Brain on Computers

Interesting stuff. This is a whole NYT series but here's the most recent article. I find this stuff fascinating and am especially interested in how all this technology affects development in children. I can't believe how many parents just allow their kids unregulated access to TV, cell phones, computers, etc. Anyway, another facet of health to consider....

As a side note, it's a dream of mine to canoe Glen Canyon. I've driven through, it's a breath-takingly beautiful place. Southern Utah is full of unique rock structures. I need to spend some extended time there.


  1. Jenny - How weird is it that I read that article about 5 minutes ago.

    On the bright side - technology let's us see a world beyond our own. Like books did for us when I was a kid.

    Nothing like being lost in the world that we belong in, however. Where things grow. Cycles. Circles.

    Follow your need to spend time with the rocks.

  2. It's crazy how kids are growing up these days. I remember playing video games, but most of the time I was outside running around. Southern Utah is amazing.

  3. As a school teacher, I see students constantly using their i-phone. During lunch they are looking at FACE BOOK on the computer in stead of playing with other kids. Facing the screen of computer next to each other while they can talk and play in the real world.
    IT is playing big part in education but I think we are putting too much emphasis on technologies.
    I am looking forward to 5 day school trip to a fishing village in October where students can't use their computers, no McDonald's to go, no arcades to play but they have a nice sandy beach in front of them. They swim, play beach volley ball, beach soccer, make sand castles, kayaking, hiking. That's the time they really find out of each other in Gr.9.

    And I want to go on Glen Canyon Canoe Trip !!!

  4. Oooh, a TEAM SEXAAAY Glen Canyon retreat! :)
