Sunday, August 8, 2010

Day 69 - Quiet day of reflection & my confessions

Literally. That's what I did today. If my fridge wasn't almost completely empty, I wouldn't have left the house. My fridge is now packed full of good stuff! I spent the rest of the day slowly unpacking, doing laundry and other random housework and reflecting on my week away in silence. No music, no nothing. It was good.

I'm having difficulty figuring out where to begin with my adventures. I think I'll start with the confessions, just to get them out of the way. All in all, I did a great job with sticking to the diet, but there were definitely some slip-ups, planned mini-indulgences and unintentional consequences of being on the road. I ate way too much salt. This was the biggest unintentional diet faux pas. Seriously, there is no such thing as eating out or eating at someone else's abode without too much salt. Literally impossible. Sometimes it was overwhelming, the food wasn't bad, just not as good as it would be with less salt.

I had 2 1/2 beers. The first was on the road, at the end of Day 2 driving. Crossing the border was a nightmare (took us 3 hours b/c of a slow-ass, lazy fee processing dude, ARGH!!, should've taken 1 hour or less). Also, within 15 minutes of being across the border, we were pulled over by the policia for a "random check". Psh-shaw! Random my ass! I expect they wanted money. My friend stood strong through his frisking, and I played the clueless American tourist act. They let us go without too much of a fight. It was an amazingly stressful day. Please see Exhibit A below, me enjoying said beer in a restaurant in Aldama, Mexico.

The other beer and 1/2 were Dragon Stouts with my man friend on the last night in Belize. I can only find Dragons (Jamaican beer) in Belize. I swear it is formulated to react as the perfect aphrodisiac with a couple puffs of the MJ. TMI? Ah well, tough shit. I like unadulterated honesty. Since we're on this subject let me just briefly say that sex in near peak condition is AMAZING. Strength, stamina and flexibility. I need say no more.

Let's see, other confessions. OH, I had one powder bun fresh out of the oven. These are like the Belizean version of snickerdoodles, but a little more doughy. I was visiting some Belize family and was offered one. As far as I'm concerned, I was required to eat it, period. When in a foreign country where the majority of people bust their asses for what little they have, one does not turn down offered food. Especially when it's a special treat. Eating 4 or 5, bad. Eating 1, acceptable.

I had some unlawful dinner carbs on 3 occasions. A few fresh tortilla chips, a Johnny cake and a flour tortilla. I was weak on these occasions. I didn't have to eat them. No one would have been offended. I just wanted them, home-made and so tasty. I regret them only a little, but forgave myself quickly and moved on.

And, my last confession. I skipped Day 64 workout. It was the last driving day. We woke up at 4AM, on the road by 4:45 AM, arrived at the Mexico/Belize border around noon, left the border around 4 PM and arrived in Crooked Tree around 5:30 PM. I spent the rest of the evening with my special friend (he has a name, it's Bruce), relaxing, unwinding from the road and falling asleep blissfully early. My body needed the rest. Being on the road is stressful and hard on the body. As much as I hate that I missed a workout, I know that at the time, it was the right thing to do.

And, that's that for this post. I'll move onto other aspects of my week away in subsequent posts, but I don't want to throw it all at y'all at once. And, I'm making a commitment to limiting my blogging/computer time. My day with the MacBook is through for now.

It IS good to be back and in touch with everyone again. I missed my team, a lot, and as much as part of me wishes I were still in my cabin by the waterside, it is wonderful to be home.

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