Monday, July 26, 2010

Day 56 - MOVE

I love this man. I want to marry him. Interesting fact: that dude waving the flag is at every concert, waving the flag. What a crazy job!

Let me preface this post by telling y'all that I work 3 jobs. One, I teach Biology labs to undergrads at the University of Florida. This is my teaching assistantship. Two, I work 10 hours a week as an office assistant in the Environmental Horticulture department on campus. Three, I work at a law publishing firm, where I index Florida administrative law cases and put them together for publication. I do this for monetary reasons, mostly. I actually could just work two of the jobs and get by without a problem, but I'm doing a damn good job at paying down some debt right now. I don't mind temporarily busting my ass for this worthy cause. Also, there is relief on the horizon. I started the application process for my second tour with Peace Corps back in February and expect to be getting an invitation to a country in SE Africa (probably Malawi) in the next month or two. My assignment should start next spring. I'll have PLENTY of spare time when I get to Peace Corps, and actually, part of my reason for doing PCP was to get a routine that I could take with me overseas. Something that would keep me from gaining weight in the same way I did last time I served.

SO, I was sitting at the law job this morning, and my body was all antsy. It was like it was mad at me for not doing my normal strength training. I tried to tell it that it was a rest day and that wasn't it enough that I'd jumped, done 8-minute abs AND hung futilely from the pull-up bar a couple times. I said, "TAKE A BREAK, BODY! It's okay." Now, I'm at the Env. Hort. job, writing this blog like a bad little girl and my body is all stiff. It wants so badly to get up and MOVE. Glad I rode my bike in today. I can satisfy the urge to move in a few minutes. Point is, I just find it interesting how much pent up energy is coarsing through my body right now. Oddly, I haven't really been getting the amount of sleep I need (6-7, not 8-9), but I still feel energetic ALL day long. No crashes, no fatigue. At least, right now. I'm sure there will come a day soon when my energy levels will drop, so I'll enjoy them while they last.

And, a few random thoughts to round out the post:

- I have 5 dozen eggs in my fridge right now. Holy crap!

- It's so hot & humid that when I wake up in the pillow is damp from my sweat. I'm actually amazed that I can get 6-7 hours of sleep in these conditions. It's all practice for the tropical heat of Belize. :)

- I've decided to attempt pull-ups everyday until I can freakin' do one. I assume this is ok.

- I ate 10 almonds today with my afternoon tea. For some reason, I could not stuff all my carbs into my belly at lunch. I forced all the veggies down because I felt like I needed them. I got pretty hungry around 4 and decided the almonds would be a nice treat. I've missed almonds. They kinda rock.

I've got nothing else and it's time to go home! Is it new diet, new exercise day??? Where did the week go???


  1. where do you find the time to do anything else?!?!?!? respect JH!

  2. wow, Jenny! Thank goodness you have all that energy - you have a lot going on!

  3. bahaha i know, it's so amazing that I feel tremendous guilt if i miss an 8 minutes abs during a day.

    It's like DUDE, DUDE, WAIT UP, CALM down.

    it's good getting used to this as a lifestyle.

    SUCH BUSAY LADY jenny, i'll stop complaining about my job... i won't

  4. Jenny, you are incredible !
    You have an endless energy, I am jealous.

    And I feel insecure not having 5 dozen eggs in my fridge.... I have to go buy them !!

  5. Wow, congrats on going BACK to the Peace Corps! That's excellent. If I weren't married with a small child, I would totally be doing that. My husband and I spent some time in Uganda a few years ago (he was working there) and LOVED it.

    Yes, definitely feeling the urge to move around on more sedentary days!
