Saturday, July 31, 2010
Day 61 - SO CLOSE
Friday, July 30, 2010
Day 60B - Ready for the road!
Day 60 - Rain Delay

Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Day 59 - You better Belize it!

Day 58 - Crash

Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Day 57 - Big fat F-bomb!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Day 56 - MOVE
I love this man. I want to marry him. Interesting fact: that dude waving the flag is at every concert, waving the flag. What a crazy job!
Let me preface this post by telling y'all that I work 3 jobs. One, I teach Biology labs to undergrads at the University of Florida. This is my teaching assistantship. Two, I work 10 hours a week as an office assistant in the Environmental Horticulture department on campus. Three, I work at a law publishing firm, where I index Florida administrative law cases and put them together for publication. I do this for monetary reasons, mostly. I actually could just work two of the jobs and get by without a problem, but I'm doing a damn good job at paying down some debt right now. I don't mind temporarily busting my ass for this worthy cause. Also, there is relief on the horizon. I started the application process for my second tour with Peace Corps back in February and expect to be getting an invitation to a country in SE Africa (probably Malawi) in the next month or two. My assignment should start next spring. I'll have PLENTY of spare time when I get to Peace Corps, and actually, part of my reason for doing PCP was to get a routine that I could take with me overseas. Something that would keep me from gaining weight in the same way I did last time I served.
SO, I was sitting at the law job this morning, and my body was all antsy. It was like it was mad at me for not doing my normal strength training. I tried to tell it that it was a rest day and that wasn't it enough that I'd jumped, done 8-minute abs AND hung futilely from the pull-up bar a couple times. I said, "TAKE A BREAK, BODY! It's okay." Now, I'm at the Env. Hort. job, writing this blog like a bad little girl and my body is all stiff. It wants so badly to get up and MOVE. Glad I rode my bike in today. I can satisfy the urge to move in a few minutes. Point is, I just find it interesting how much pent up energy is coarsing through my body right now. Oddly, I haven't really been getting the amount of sleep I need (6-7, not 8-9), but I still feel energetic ALL day long. No crashes, no fatigue. At least, right now. I'm sure there will come a day soon when my energy levels will drop, so I'll enjoy them while they last.
And, a few random thoughts to round out the post:
- I have 5 dozen eggs in my fridge right now. Holy crap!
- It's so hot & humid that when I wake up in the pillow is damp from my sweat. I'm actually amazed that I can get 6-7 hours of sleep in these conditions. It's all practice for the tropical heat of Belize. :)
- I've decided to attempt pull-ups everyday until I can freakin' do one. I assume this is ok.
- I ate 10 almonds today with my afternoon tea. For some reason, I could not stuff all my carbs into my belly at lunch. I forced all the veggies down because I felt like I needed them. I got pretty hungry around 4 and decided the almonds would be a nice treat. I've missed almonds. They kinda rock.
I've got nothing else and it's time to go home! Is it new diet, new exercise day??? Where did the week go???
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Day 55 - A new kind of midnight snack
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Day 54 - The Wacky Tabacky

Ok, PCP lovies, I've been hesitant to write this post because of it's illicit nature. When I thought about it, though, I decided it was an important one to get out there. It's not like I'm the only person in the world getting stoned, and I doubt the popo are all that interested in banging down my door for a little paraphernalia and a teeny-weeny bud. They got bigger fish to fry. I'm a proud member of NORML, an organization that lobbies for the reform of marijuana laws. If I'm okay with giving my money to them, I should be okay with discussing this openly with people, especially with people who are accompanying me on this journey of exploring health issues and learning about the potential of the human body.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Day 52 - The Paddle is coming for you!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Day 51 - Love

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Day 50 - Really???
Monday, July 19, 2010
Indulgence #2 - The Low Down
Let's start with the fast food experience. I was super hungry by the time I got around to driving thru for these items. I visited McDonald's first, ordered my medium fry for $1.92! Did you know that's how much a medium fry costs these days??? WTF? It was one of those double drive-thrus, you know, where there's a place for two cars to order at the same time. There's a certain order to these types of drive-thru, car from Lane 1 goes, Lane 2, Lane 1, Lane 2, you get my drift. Well, I was rudely and obviously cut-off by a lady (beeeoootch) who gave me the hand when I gave her my horn. The HAND!!! Really? OMG! Welcome to McDonald's people. Took me 10 minutes to get my $2 fries. Then, headed to Chick-fil-a, right down the road. I waited 15 minutes for my chicken sandwich, all the while snacking on fries and burning fossil fuels. I never finished the fries. They got cold and gross. They were good for about 5 seconds and I threw them away after this picture. The sandwich was good, but not worth 15 minutes and $3. In the time it took me to obtain these two items, I could've cooked my lunch for today. I honestly found myself craving the shrimp, spinach, bok choy, mushroom, sun-dried tomato pasta concoction that I dreamed up over the fast food. Cool. I like it! True progress, people! I'm glad I chose fast food as my indulgence...since it's the one thing I really wanted to give a test run. I now know that it will be easy for me to cut it out of my life. Oh, and it did not wreck my digestive system or really even make me tired, which was surprising.

Day 49 - MoMA Exhibit - Piece #2

I'm calling this one "Slap of the Tricep Extension." As to which piece of the human body you're looking at, well, that shall remain a mystery. The fun of modern art is that most times, you don't really know what you're looking at but it sure is beautiful! I feel like this one looks less painful than my rope whip, but it hurt way more and was completely unexpected. I especially like how it stretches the entire width of the mystery extremity. :) I guess my door wasn't closed tight enough and I was too focused on the exercise to notice it coming loose....oops!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Day 48 - A different kind of craving
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Day 47 - Ahhh, yoga
Friday, July 16, 2010
Day 46 - Sin & Punishment
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Day 45 - Halfway Pressies
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
"Too Fat to Fight"
Excess weight disqualifies many youth from military service...
The lastest national security threat, peeps!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Day 43 - OH GOD, WHY???
Monday, July 12, 2010
Day 42 - First rope whip
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Day 41 - Progress Markers
Friday, July 9, 2010
Day 39 - I love shopping!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Day 38 - Torture
Wow, this week really is a challenging week. I looked ahead and thought, damn, there's no end to the pistol squats! They just keep coming!
In the food world, gnawing on a turkey sandwich, lettuce, tomato, small amount of mustard and some quinoa tabouleh (loads of veggies, the quinoa is more of a complement, flavored with a little olive oil, parsley, green onion, fresh lemon juice, black pepper). Also, I grilled some buffalo burgers (adorable little 50g patties) last night for a change of pace from the various forms of seafood I've been eating over the past couple weeks. Broccoli & sweet potato as sides. Very American & very YUMMY! Also, seriously, if any of you can find drinkable yogurt from grass-fed cows, BUY IT! All it needs is a dash of honey to drink it straight (really, I could drink it without, I choose not to) and mixed with frozen peaches, bananas, blueberries & strawberries, it makes an AMAZING dessert with the consistency of soft-serve ice cream. No other spices necessary, another dash of honey if you want some extra sweetness, a dash though is all it needs. I'm really enjoying the diet this week. I had some fast food cravings over the weekend (why??? fast food is so gross, it should be so easy to forget) but they've subsided.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Day 37 - A new level of BADASS
Ok, ok, so I know it has a lot to do with the weather. It cooled off a lot last night and it was EXTRA humid this morning. Still, pretty cool special effects. Thanks mother nature!!!
I gave it my all this morning, and I'm exhausted because of it. I plan on an extra early bedtime tonight. I need it, badly. I can feel the ache in my muscles as they try to rebuild themselves. And, boy, have I been hungry, even with all the extra food. I think my diet is perfect this week, but I am burning some serious calories right now. I can feel it happening. I've also been rather grouchy and a little over-sensitive. Perhaps I should get some meditation in my life. I'd benefit from it.
I'm also gaining weight now. I bottomed out at around 96ish lbs mid-week last week. My morning weight today was 98. Gooood, very gooood. :)
Anyway, hope everyone in Team SEXAAAY is surviving the pain! I'm thinking of you every single morning.
Oh! PS New pics are posted....check out the crazy tummy/rib muscle in the 2nd pic! What is it???
Monday, July 5, 2010
Day 35 - Mt. Zitimanjaro...
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Day 34 - I CAN FLY & Indulgence #1
So, let me just cut to the chase. I just ran the fastest 10K in my life, ever! 60:25. I totally blew the first mile off, cruising along with my friends but bursting with energy. At mile 1.25ish, I was like, ummmm, so, how would y'all feel about me taking off and meeting y'all at the end? I proceeded to bounce down Peachtree in record time. Honestly, if I'd tried, I think I could have finished in 58ish range. My previous fastest time was 62ish and NOT in the Peachtree. The Peachtree is a slow race for multiple reasons, mostly b/c you're swerving around walkers or slower runners the ENTIRE time but also b/c around mile 3 there's Cardiac Hill. It's not a flat race or all downhill. So, to get my fastest time on that course, well, it's a big deal for me. And, ultimately, it PROVES that this training is working. I'm getting stronger. I never thought I'd run a 10K in under an hour.
Also, maybe this shirt had a bit to do with it:
Now, onto the post-race indulgence:
That is a Stone Ruination IPA, 22 oz. I am writing this post post-Ruination. I'm doing ok, not sick. Just tipsy and ready for a nap. And, for post-race Indulgence #2:
That's right, that shirt says, "I run so I can eat WAFFLE HOUSE." Just in case you couldn't read's what I ate:
And, it was SOOOOO GOOOOOOOOD!!!! Sausage, Oh, God! How I love thee!!! That's a sausage, egg & cheese sandwich. I know, it's so simple looking but so full of flavor. I can't help it, I'm a true Southern girl. I love my Waffle House, but I also absolutely love being FAST and STRONG & bouncing down Peachtree like Tigger on crack. So, only in small doses sausage, egg & cheese, just enough to appreciate you.
Now, back to the grindstone. I've got some serious veggies to consume this afternoon. Happy Indepence Day, y'all!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Day 32? nope 33! - In the ATL
Then, we walked to the elementary school, which has the perfect low tech set-up for the PCP exercises. Pull up bars, places to do chest dips, inclined sit-ups, blah, blah, blah, all the good stuff. I attemped my first real pull-up today. I went dad assisted me in doing some full pull-ups (like 6), but it was hard. It's time to get a bar installed at my house. That'll happen this week. My pull-up failure reminded me that I've come a long way, but have a LONG, LONG way to go. Motivated me to work harder. I got some serious, serious burn with katanas today (I changed out for Day 34 so I can go down and do the chest exercises at the school equipment tomorrow) ... bowed to the PCP gods on my knees. Oh Gods, make me strong and flexible so I can kick some vampire ass (Been watching Buffy series from Episode 1, awesome) Good suggestion on katanas, Patrick. Still struggling with V-sits, they made me angry this morning. I'll keep at 'em!!! Having fun! Woohoo!
One last thing, I've been extremely, extremely hungry before bedtime the past couple nights. It's been difficult to fall asleep b/c of the hunger. Can I eat extra veggies? Should I eat some fruit? Drink a glass of milk? I need to SLEEP!! Must build muscle!!! How can I not be so hungry? Help ME!!!!
Ok, guys, the Peachtree Road Race is tomorrow. Wish me a fast run! I'll probably at least eat some carbs tonight with my veggies, just to have some energy reserve tomorrow. But, not too much. It'll be my last serious run till the end of the PCP, any future runs will be nice and casual.
Have a nice 4th, those PCPers that celebrate it. And, welcome to the new folks!! Look forward to reading your blogs.