Woot! I just finished looking through all the updated pictures. Everyone looks awesome. Royce, pics, I want to see some! Seriously, I wonder how many pounds of fat we've burned collectively in 30 days?
I did get 8 hours of sleep last night. It didn't make my jumps more efficient, but it did make my strength training much more enjoyable, if you can call trembling uncontrollably by the end an enjoyable experience. My abs were actually quivering after the leg-ups but I somehow managed to get in 3 sets of v-sits, the last set wasn't pretty. I thought how hilarious it would be to video my last set and watch myself thrash around on the floor trying to complete 8 of them. Ha! Hilarious!
Short post today. Things are fairly even keeled.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Hard Core Crash
First off, new pics are posted. I went for the new bathing suit for these...I thought it was time to start seeing some of the detail, especially in the butt area. Cheers! :)
My other topic of discussion is my crash yesterday afternoon...a total mental health crash. Maybe that's an overstatement, but I did have a crash in energy, got really hungry and really grouchy. Which, in turn, caused all these issues and insecurities to rise (not just with PCP but with life in general), further perturbing me and ending in my crying after hanging up with lawn mower fix-it man, who was being infinitely difficult.
What I found interesting about this crash was how I was able to sort of lift up out of myself and see it happening as it happened...I watched it, I knew what was coming and even though I wasn't really able (yet) to control it, I did to make better decisions while in that state. Also, since our diets and exercise are so controlled right now, I was really able to hone in on the ultimate cause. I'm just not getting enough sleep (at least that's my suspicion). I'm working extra hard and I feel like I'm getting less sleep. Not good. I'm determined to get at least 8 1/2 tonight.
And, sadly, since I knew that I needed to sleep last night, I, of course, had a terrible night's sleep. I just couldn't settle into a comfortable deep sleep. :( Still, I got up and did the workouts this morning, and somehow managed 1300 jumps and only 7 trips. I'm improving. I also couldn't believe how easy 100 sit-ups felt compared to last week. I was still tired by set 4 but not failing. The plank took care of that...well, I didn't fail but I was shaking by the end. Maybe I'll push through an extra 10 or 20 seconds next time. I also kinda collapsed in a ball after the jumps this morning...rolling around in my grass yelling a few obscenities. I can't wait for the creep tomorrow! (a little sarcasm, and a little looking forward to it).
GO TEAM SEXAAAY!!! That's what I'll yell tomorrow when I'm rolling in the grass after the creep, instead of the usual f-bomb, mother, f-bomb.
GO TEAM SEXAAAY!!! That's what I'll yell tomorrow when I'm rolling in the grass after the creep, instead of the usual f-bomb, mother, f-bomb.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Day 28 - The Parsley Debaucle
This post goes out to the Mindfulest hosts. Thank you for making me laugh out loud on several occasions at work. I think it was the last podcast where there was discussion of parsley and gardening. Parsley is so much more than a garnish. I use it all the time, so much so, that I really wish I had 4 or 5 plants of it growing in my garden. I tried growing it from seed this year, and none of it sprouted. It’s very finicky (this is also the case for cilantro), especially in the Florida heat. If you can get it to sprout and grow beyond a few leaves, it does pretty well. Parsley is awesome in dressings and marinades. It’s also is a key ingredient in many of my seafood sauces. An understated but valuable herb. 
So, I decided I wanted some parsley in my balsamic vinaigrette this weekend. I didn’t have any fresh, but I did have a tube of parsley blend that I use to substitute for such occasions.
I promptly squirted a nice size blob into my dressing, wiped the leftovers off the tube with my finger and deposited them in my mouth. Raw parsley’s not bad; it’s got a fresh herby, grassy sorta flavor. This is what I was expecting. What I got was….dum, dum, dum…salt, loads of salt, with zero parsley flavor (at least that’s what it seemed like to me). Ugh! I was super disappointed. WTF???
Hey, at least there’s ton of Vitamin C per serving! I’ll finish the dressing, even with the salt. I’m still disappointed, though. I’ll never buy the tubes again, and they’re so convenient for occasions where I’m out of a certain herb.
The workouts went okay this weekend. The creep kicked me butt up and down and every which way. I’m still sore from it. My swim this morning helped loosen things up in my legs without putting too much pressure on them. ‘Twas good. Looking forward to this week’s menu. I’ll try to get some new pics posted tonight or tomorrow.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Day 26 - Empowerment
As I've followed my weight and watched the beer and fast food melt off of my body over the last few weeks, I feel a little like the witch of the west. "I'm melting, I'm melting!" A whole new exterior AND interior are revealing themselves. I feel a bit like I'm being transformed into Tigger, just bouncing around all lightweight with bundles of energy. Or maybe a more appropriate analogy is from the wicked witch of the west to:

The point is, I feel lighter, more energetic and overall happier. It's a bit like floating around on air. I've been thinking about the reasons for the happiness part. Obviously, I'm lighter because I'm lighter. I suspect the energy is a mix of being lighter, stronger and eating foods that my body digests easier and transforms into energy more efficiently. As far as the happiness, my theory is as follows....
I think the most important part of this project is the sense of control and empowerment that it gives those of us doing it. Here, I'm going to use weight as an example but I want to be very clear in saying that this is the least important aspect of this project, it's just the easiest to quantify. When I was 21, I weighed about 98 lbs, but it was an unhealthy 98 lbs. I drank a lot, ate badly and worked out regularly but with no consistent program. For lunch on most days, I only ate a yogurt and a Nature Valley granola bar. That's it. I was hungry a lot, and I stayed small. Then, I joined Peace Corps, gained about 17 lbs, came home, worked out, lost 9. I stabilized at 108, drinking semi-heavily and eating poorly. I'm lucky to have a fast metabolism. I've been 108 for about 8 years. I'd accepted that this was it. I could not change my body...I was meant to have the small layers of fat on my butt and tummy.
Ah, but with this project, I have discovered that this is not so. I do have the power to alter my body into a stronger, leaner, fitter machine. Certainly, I have a body type, it's mine, I will never look like this:

Unless, I get a boob job, and that just isn't happening. However, I don't have to feel lethargic and frankly shitty all the time. I don't have to be tired, and I don't have to carry around 10 extra pounds of fat if I don't want to. I, and only I, have the power to actually transform my body into the body I want it to be...think of what I can do with the body I'm creating right now! I've always dreamed of being proficient at some form of martial arts or dancing. I love modern, interpretive dance. This slender, bird frame is perfect for training in real dance techniques. A new hobby perhaps? This is empowerment. This is where that feeling of happiness is coming from...I feel in control of my destiny. What this project is showing me can be translated into all aspects of my life, one step at a time. Certainly, there are limits and a certain amount of luck and circumstance mixed in. Still, I am in control of myself, how I react to situations and the decisions I make that effect my future. So, out of all the gifts the Peak Condition Project will give me, I believe that this sense of empowerment is the most important and crucial aspect.
Oddly, I woke up in a real shitty mood this morning. My work out and a great phone conversation with a friend improved my mood exponentially. I haven't had my indulgence yet. I'm saving it for after the Peachtree Road Race on the 4th, but I have it planned. My friend and I have a ritual after the Peachtree, Waffle House and beer. My indulgence will be one sausage, egg and cheese sandwich at Waffle House and a beer. I know, we were warned that the beer will make us sick. But, dude, the warning just makes me want to drink a beer and see if it's true. Livin' on the edge, baby! Livin' on the edge!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Day 25 - Dude! & Sweet potatoes
Is it just me or is blogger being a real pain in the ass? Maybe it's just my internets.....
Let's see if I can actually get a post out. My comments haven't been taking. Perhaps I'll have to go out and start jumping as opposed to sitting here and cursing at my computer. "What? What do you mean you can't connect to ~insert random blog~??? Do it, Safari, or I will put you in a world of hurt!" Safari just continues to mock me. Let's try Elena's newest post again....Success! Woot! I like it when my threats work. Be back to finish soon....
Ah, I likes when internets does mah bidding. My real topic of today's post is SWEET POTATOES. My ex-roomie, the infamous Michael Van Patrick Lemons, ate sweet pototoes (and watermelon) like it was his last day on Earth and if he didn't eat all of it then, he'd never eat it again. And, you know what, Mike is cut, lean and honestly, doesn't consciously workout often. I mean, he's active but it's not like he was ever lifting weights or purposefully strength training. Now, I understand, it was diet. Mike, may not have been the best at doing the dishes, but by God, he had the food right!
If YOU have not gotten some sweet potato in your life, DO IT NOW. Seriously, I made some of that sweet potato whipped with lime and cayenne thing. It's da bomb! I shoveled it in by the spoonful until my weighed bowl was empty and I longingly looked at the tupperware container for more. But, no! b/c I also had kale steamed, then sauteed in garlic, a couple sundried tomatoes, a little olive oil and crushed red pepper, then added some red wine vinegar for an extra kick. Also, divine.
Elena, please keep the food pictures and posts coming...you are my food inspiration. I go to your blog constantly for ideas. And, Royce, I picked up some red quinoa b/c you are always eating quinoa and I've NEVER had it. I plan to make a quinoa tabouleh this weekend.
Alrighty, I really do need to go work out now! And, btw, seriously, thanks for the shout-outs on your blogs. Knowing that my ability to enjoy pain inspires y'all to embrace the pain inspires me to work even harder and really push through those lasts reps in a set. It's like a vicious inspiration cycle....or beautiful inspiration circle...or something like that.
Update: V-sits may be the perfect form of torture. Honestly, I had to laugh at myself as I tried to do a perfect 2nd set, an exercise in futility really. At least it was comical. Floor jumps, fun, but ouch, and they were really scary to my cat. Chicken wing...I'm going to share this b/c I've noticed this weakness in myself a lot in the shoulder exercises. Be careful not to bend your wrists. If I don't pay close attention, I bend them and it totally changes the exercise. Straight wrists = intense burn. Bent wrists = no burn. Hopefully, I didn't pre-empt any pro-tips. :) Speaking of pro-tips, do you seriously get a headache if your heels touch when jumping rope or are you just making that up to be sure that we're reading the pro-tips?
And, I did ONE of Mrs. Obama's criss-cross moves! But, ha, it was hard. Must keep practicing for fun.
And, I did ONE of Mrs. Obama's criss-cross moves! But, ha, it was hard. Must keep practicing for fun.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Day 23 - My dirty little secret
You ready?
Ok...here it is.
I actually think I like the diet and the workouts. OMG! I said, it ok! Even though the diet was a bit hectic at first and definitely still requires a good portion of my time. I LOVE all the food I'm eating, a lot. I still miss salt. I'm not going to lie. But, finding creative ways to cook and flavor my food without salt is FUN. I had a friend over for dinner last night. She wanted to eat what I was eating...PCP style. So, I marinated some chunked chicken breast in a balsamic based marinade, and seasoned a super fresh piece of grouper (my boss fishes and gives us fish as a perk) with dill, lemon juice & garlic. I also lightly brushed some baby bellas with an olive oil dressing and grilled it all. We had fresh sliced tomato and roasted some YUMMY potatoes with all kinds of fresh herbs I have growing in my yard. My only problem with the meal is that I couldn't EAT MORE OF IT. :) Especially the grouper.
Onto the workouts. Yes, I enjoy them. I feel good after them. Well, actually, sometimes the jump rope pisses me off. After my swim Monday morning, I wish I had a pool in my backyard to do laps in as cardio every morning, but I don't. And, for that matter, I can't carry a pool everywhere I go. The jump rope is handy in that sense. I will learn to love it, just like I learned to love and appreciate a good run.
The strength training is a completely different matter. I look forward to it. I can't wait to try some of the new stuff on our list. It's exciting. And, even when I'm cursing at the ceiling in pain, I'm secretly loving it. It's like my body is screaming, "Yes! Please! Give me more!" Perhaps I like torturing myself....well, not perhaps, I think I do like torturing myself. Being in intense, uncomfortable, even painful situations reminds me that I'm alive, maybe? I don't really know. Why do I always have to psycho-analyze myself? (See the internal dialogue happening there.)
ANYWAY, I do like being comfortable, happy, even spoiled, but at the same time, I'm not sure that I would know that I was comfortable, happy or being spoiled without really experiencing the antithesis to those feelings. And, bringing it back to this situation, all this work, effort and pain gives me more energy and makes me feel happier and more alive on a regular basis. I had a great day today. I wasn't tired at all. I wasn't really overly hungry at any point. I got some work done. I even completed a task I've been putting off for months because it just seemed so unpleasant. But, now, it's done. Weight lifted. That's right! Bring it, PCP!
And, Go TEAM SEXAAAY!!! All the pictures looked amazing this week. We are working it out!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Day 21 - Gross bodily functions
Yes, that is the topic of today's blog. If gross bodily functions make you want to hurl, I suggest foregoing this post. If they make you laugh hysterically, then you should read on.

So, I've noticed some interesting changes in my body and its general functioning.
1) I've been really gassy lately (I told you! This post is about gross bodily functions. Deal with it!) Gassy from both ends. I feel especially sorry for my office mate. But, seriously though. I'm burping all the time! I mean, don't get me wrong...I've always been a talented burper. It's my thing. I've got this amazing sound projection. Such that, it sounds like a 300 lb man burp coming out of my 100 lb lady frame. It really throws people off. But, it's happening way more frequently now, like after most meals. And, the gas from the other end is always there lurking, waiting to urgently escape my body at the most inopportune times. I don't really know what's causing it...all the veggies, my egg in the morning, meh, who knows? Perhaps it will subside...
2) Yesterday was the start of "that time of the month" for me. The big surprise here was less cramping. I had some small cramps, so I knew what was coming. But, I barely felt them...when often in the past, I'd wake up in the middle of the night from the pain. The only relief was ibuprofen. Either the cramps are less or I'm developing a much higher pain tolerance. I'm fine with either of the above options. Anything that equals less pain is fine by me!
3) Ok, this one kinda trips me out. When we got Patrick's email about the changes that might occur and he mentioned the pooing after every meal bit, I sorta scoffed at that particular change. I thought, "PUHHLEEASSE!" I've been regular since I can remember...one a day, 5-10 minutes after waking. How is that going to change in 3 weeks? But, Patrick, you were right. It's started. After every lunch, bam!, the urge is upon me. Dinnertime, not so much yet. But, breakfast & lunch, yep. I'm not sure how I feel about this, though. I kinda like getting that shit (hahaha!, stupid pun intended) out of the way early. :-/ I mean, I guess I'll have to get more comfortable dropping a load in public restrooms. ~sigh~
As a general update, the weekend went fine. No beer or cupcakes passed these lips. I stuck to the workouts. Well, actually, I subbed a 6 mile run for jumping on Sunday. It was nice, but I plan on cutting back on running after the 4th. However, I went swimming this morning with a friend of mine. That might become a regular Monday event....along with jumping. I sooooo enjoyed the feeling of the water against all my muscles as I swam. LOVE swimming. I was on the swim team in high school so my body easily falls back into my training from then (15 years ago, %$@$%#%!!!). And, it's so fun to back stroke in an outside pool, lay back and watch the sun rise! Yes, a regular Monday event.
Alrighty, kiddies! I leave you with this, the milkshake of the GODS:
3/4 frozen bananas to 1/4 frozen blueberries, milk, dash of cocoa powder, cinnamon, even smaller dashes of nutmeg, cardamom, blend. DRINK!!! But, not too fast, or you'll get brain freeze like me.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
I found it!
Just reassuring y'all that I found my ass...in some new shorts and some clearance jeans at Old Navy. Thank God! I missed it for a day.
I didn't sleep well last night but going to do the workouts right now! before going to the springs today.
2 notes, Elena, I have crazy gas! Maybe I need to start eating the veggies you're eating! Also, I went for a 3 mile run last night...you know, trying to at least keep my legs a little used to the sensation for the Peachtree Road Race on July 4. I rocked my run last night. It felt so good, so smooth, and I ran much faster than I think I have in a long time, without feeling overly winded. It makes me feel like something really is happening in there.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Day 18 - A Quickie
ENERGY! - Weeeeeeee!
So, I think I left my ass somewhere back in last week...Good-bye Ass! Hello Butt Muscles? I have contentedly let go of my ass and am patiently awaiting for the butt muscles to take its place. I have faith considering how much easier the lunges felt this morning. I even pushed through some extras!
And, I found a rhythm with the jump rope, too. I might even say I'm really starting to enjoy these workouts!
The cheap work-out shorts I've worn for 5 years are now just sorta hanging on my frame...there's a shape in there, I just can't see it. SO, I'm going to Target TODAY and getting a few pairs of form-fitting shorts. Ones that will stretch or shrink so that I can see what the hell is going on there. I need new ones anyway...the elastic failed in these like a year ago. I'm just too cheap to go buy new ones, but now, they really just don't fit.
I did, however, just get a new bathing suit in the mail yesterday. My old ones were also years old and the elastic was starting to fail. HEY, at least I wear things until they're done! I may even take my updated pics this week in my cute new bikini! It is awfully cute!
Have a great weekend, Team SEXAAY!!!! AKA The Great Pi'ed Pipers. Personally, I like them both...but, I like yelling GO TEAM SEXAAAY!!!! when I'm feeling pumped. :) Let's stick with that for our team cheer and be the Pi'ed Pipers on the side.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Day 17 - Strong mind, strong body
This story is brought to you by Lemons/Spivak Adventures, Inc. and dedicated to all fellow PCPers, past & present, but most especially to Team Pi'ed Pipers as we struggle through this climb together.
I don't think I've ever seen a more serious group of hikers! :) The beginning wasn't so bad! It was all paved, downhill, but STEEP. We reached the bottom, still smiling, still having fun, still looking excitedly into the future. I think the moment I started to doubt our preparedness for what was ahead was crossing the first river...flowing through Waipio valley into the Pacific. My pack was HEAVY. All of our packs were HEAVY. Mike wanted us to eat good...I mean, he cooked and packed jambalaya for God's sake. And, it was good, trust me, but here's where he went wrong. He pre-cooked all rice and noodles. We were all carrying gallons of water. We were loaded, and Mike most of all, God bless his soul. He was our pack-mule. But, fighting the river current and the incoming tide with a pack that probably weighed more than half of me was nearly a disaster.
At that point, I got nervous, real nervous. And, then we reached this:
What you're looking at is that hill (er, excuse me, mountain, to the left)...there's a z-trail cut into the side. From the Waipio lookout, I thought, "Psshaw! Easy!" From the bottom of the z-trail and after my river crossing, I thought, "What have I gotten myself into?" We started up. The first half was tough, but we took a break at about halfway, got our breath and thought okay, we've got this. But, it got worse, big rocks that required a lot of effort to climb for a shorty like myself and with at least 50 lbs on my back, my legs started to fail. I actually stopped and said I can't go further, I have to lighten my load. I took out a bag of cooked noodles and said if noone else was willing to carry them, I was going to throw the damn things down the mountain. I meant it. Spivak volunteered. So, a bag o' noodles and a jar of peanut butter lighter, I was back up and running, well, okay climbing, slowly. I started chanting this mantra under my breath as I chugged up the trail, "Strong mind, strong body; strong mind, strong body; strong mind, strong body." It uplifted me, focused me and all of the sudden the trail started to level out. I stopped, I looked back, this is what I saw...
Spivak slurping noodles so he wouldn't have to carry them any further. Hahaha! No, I saw my team...through dogged persistence and support of each other, we made it to the top of the first z-trail. After that, there were ups & downs, crazy moments, scary moments, but once we'd made it past that first intense mind-fuck of a challenge, we knew we'd be fine. Well, at least, I knew we'd be fine. :) Not sure about the rest of the group...
I think this parallels nicely to the moment we're at right now in the climb to peak condition. We're just starting, it's tough to fit this crazy new thing into our already insane lives...we're doubting whether this is really right for us. But, if we can make it to the end of this week and really start to see results, we may very well make it to our own Waimanu valley:
The most beautiful place on Earth! When I feel down, really down, I think, "Remember Waimanu!" And, when I'm painfully pushing through the last of those horrendous sit-ups, I chant, "Strong mind, strong body." It helps. Find a mantra that fits you, make it yours and let it motivate you all the way to the end!
Go Team Pi'ed Pipers!!!
Okay, y'all, I know this was a long post, but you may not hear from me until closer to the end of the weekend. It's going to be a busy one and blogging won't be a top priority. But, I promise you, I'm here and I'm sticking to it. Mostly, I don't want to let y'all down. No beer and no tastey birthday cupcakes for me this weekend (big party on Saturday).
I decided to tell this story, mostly because I feel like we're all at a point where it is relevant. And, as I was stumbling through jumps yesterday morning, fighting grogginess ALL DAY and feeling strange insecurities, I thought about this moment in my life and it kept me focused on my goals.
Over Spring Break, I traveled to Hawaii (a feat in itself, LONG way from Florida!), the Big Island specifically, to visit my ex-roomie, soul-brother in life, Michael Van Patrick Lemons. Yes, he sounds very distinguished, doesn't he? Haha! Distinguished in a "special" sort of way. :) Also, his best friend, Alex Spivak, and Alex's beautiful lady friend, Brittney Tigerlily, were flying from Gainesville to be present for Spring Break festivities. Mike wanted to give us the BEST vacation EVAH! Seriously, that was his goal, so he planned for us to hike to Waimanu valley from Waipio lookout. A 18-mile roundtrip hike, but according to Lemons, "it's the most beautiful place on Earth." We're all in decent shape, so we thought, yeah, definitely, we want to see the "most beautiful place on Earth." Enter Mike's girlfriend, always practical, no-nonsense Jessica. She's a Hawaii resident and knows what we're about to get ourselves into...does a little research, finds that the trail is traversable but warns us that it ain't no spring picnic. This is a serious hike for serious hikers! Uh-oh!, but she still comes with us. ;-)

I think this parallels nicely to the moment we're at right now in the climb to peak condition. We're just starting, it's tough to fit this crazy new thing into our already insane lives...we're doubting whether this is really right for us. But, if we can make it to the end of this week and really start to see results, we may very well make it to our own Waimanu valley:

Go Team Pi'ed Pipers!!!
Okay, y'all, I know this was a long post, but you may not hear from me until closer to the end of the weekend. It's going to be a busy one and blogging won't be a top priority. But, I promise you, I'm here and I'm sticking to it. Mostly, I don't want to let y'all down. No beer and no tastey birthday cupcakes for me this weekend (big party on Saturday).
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Day 16 - Irrational fears?
I have a couple concerns that I thought I'd voice, since hey, that's what this blog is for, yes?! I worry about looking like a skeleton or something by the end of this...I mean, I like my curves. I don't want them to go away. For the most part, I feel like I'm getting plenty of food. I was super hungry by lunch, but full after, and super duper hungry by dinner, and yes, full after...especially after my fruit snack and milk (loving the milk after dinner! helps me relax and fall asleep!) I'm going for toned and fit, not super muscle builder woman or skinny, wraith lady. Just toned and fit. Anyway, I know already these are irrational fears but they still creep in when I'm at my desk just before heading home from work and feeling my stomach wanting food.
Also, I've noticed my pants are looser now. Most definitely. I put on a pair the other day that I used to think made my ass look nice and now it looks like there isn't an ass in there. They just hang. Overall, my shape is the same but the size is a little different now. I almost put on a belt because the bottoms were dragging the ground. So, what's the problem with that? I can't afford a whole new wardrobe! Shit!!!! Well, maybe I'll only need some new jeans/pants. Perhaps I should start the buy jenny new jeans fund...
Workouts are going good. Although I think Royce's bad jumping karma creeped it's way down here to Gainesville...my jumprope was also making me very angry this morning. But, the strength exercises were good. Nice burn on all of them, collapsed at the end of the push-ups and had to use other muscles to get myself back off the ground.
Ok, off to work! Ta-ta for now!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Day 14 - Heat is ON!

It's summertime in Florida! No doubt. June is always the hottest month for some reason. Temp is 97 F outside (heat index 106 F) and 91.5 F (heat index f***ing HOT F) in my house. Seriously, no joke. Yes, yes, I know. I'm insane!!! Well, it keeps the electric bill mighty low, and for the most part, I acclimatize to the heat well. Meaning, I walk around in as little clothes as possible (see why I need a fabulous body???) and take multiple cold rinse offs if I'm at home. Plus, really, most of my weekdays are spent in frigid climate control. I let them pay to keep me cool. My water is back up and running, so that's good. I took a personal day from work today...we were well caught up and I barely slept last night, which really sucks! I don't know why, but my mind just would not quiet down. And, let's face it, it was pretty hot. I'm so glad today is an easier work out day. I'm hoping I fall right to sleep tonight...I usually don't have sleeping problems.
After reading the posts about my teammates cravings, I want to share my own. For some reason on Friday, I wanted some Cheddar Jack Cheez-Its something awful. I kept picturing the box and me ravaging it!! Oh GOD, they are sooooooo good. And, today, I turned down my most favoritest of chocolaty treats. A chunk of special dark Hersheys chocolate with an almond in the center. Bite sized and delicious, but I said no. :( Still sad about it. OH, and last night, I was doing laundry at a friend's house...opened her fridge to get some water and lo & behold, a beautiful cold beer beckoned me to drink it. I RAN screaming! No, no, I just poured my water and thought how nice it would be to relax my tense body after a long afternoon mowing grass in the 90 degree heat with an ice cold beer. Ah well, I need the practice saying no and learning to control my urges.
A side note, since I've cut the salt in my diet and focused on drinking mostly water and sugar free iced tea...my sweat tastes like spring water instead of ocean water. Interesting.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Day 13 - Explosion
And, not the good kind. This morning, while jumping, I watched the motor on my water pump start smoking and explode. Not a gigantic explosion. It just popped its top. Very dramatic, though. All the sudden I was without water. I have contingency plans in order for these situations, mostly in case of hurricanes. But, all these contingency plans equal extra work all 'round.
But, I've cooked enough food to feed an army and I'm ready for the week. Laundry, check. Shower, check. Garden watered, shit! :) Ah well, some things you just have to let go of and hope it works out. Keep your fingers crossed that the pump is fixed by tomorrow. Life sucks without water, esp. when it's in the upper 90's and the only respite from the heat are cold showers (lots of them) and mooching off of friend's A/C.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Day 12 - Blueberries and balance
I went blueberry picking Thursday evening with some friends. Last year, they found this old run-down blueberry farm that is no longer in operation. It's semi-guarded by a couple of hippies that squat the land and live in a bus (that no longer runs, of course). So, we had to pay a price to pass..let's just say we gave them a little bag of happiness. And, they were happy! They felt so generous after receiving their gift that they even showed us the beginnings of their bamboo sweatlodge, complete with the cutest little alter ever! Maybe it's the hippie inside of me, but I like the fact that even in US cities (Gainesville is good size), there are places where people can squat and eek out a living on the land. Personally, I wouldn't choose their lifestyle, but their camp was tidy and clean. They were rough looking dudes and perhaps a bit slow after years of drugs, but they were super nice and generous. Anyway, please refer to pic for my blueberry haul! Woot! I LOVE blueberries!! These should last me for a little while....
Now, I want to reflect a bit on my focus activity, balance. The beginning of this week was difficult. I just wasn't prepared enough for the switch in diet and found myself running out of time to do all that I need to do, including work, keeping my house & garden/yard, working out and prepping food while also trying to maintain a social life. My sleep has suffered, and I know this is something I'm going to need to remedy as the weeks continue. Honestly, I haven't felt overly tired...except Wednesday when I was totally grouchy because I'd only slept 4.5 hours the night before. I don't like getting less than 7 hours sleep. But, part of this project is finding that happy medium, that balance in life. With that in mind, I decided to say no to some movie watching at a friend's house and stay home tonight, to read and rest. I need the rest.
Patrick, this is for you, in reference to your email this evening. I want you to know that I had muscle failure on almost every exercise this morning. When all was said and done, I just layed on the floor like a puddle of mush after screaming through the last of my sit-ups. When I say scream, I don't mean fast like lightning, I mean curse at the ceiling. But, I did it and it hurt. I meditated on the floor until I felt I was ready to move my muscles again. It was an intense workout day, and I NEED my rest tonight. I can't wait to crawl into that beautiful bed.
Last thing...got this easy, quick recipe from a friend. Cottage cheese, avocado, cracked black pepper and Mrs. Dash table blend (no salt!, no MSG!)...it was a great snack and would be awesome for breakfast!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Day 10 - Good NPR day
2 inspiring NPR stories today.
#1. I was listening to a Hearing Voices Podcast at work this morning, Radio Dial was the episode. In it they interviewed this dude that records the radio signals (sounds) emitted by stars and played some of his recordings. I don't really know how to describe the beauty of star sounds, maybe think of how you would imagine the cosmos to sound, and really, that's how they sound. I was deeply moved by the knowledge that stars sing and we can hear them. I don't know why, but there is something incredibly comforting about that to me. And, it made me think of this hilarious but pretty cool video:
We are made of star stuff! Haha! Seriously, if we're made of star stuff, then we are capable of awesomeness, definitely capable of finishing the PCP successfully.
#2. Kids Kicking Cancer. Heard about this on Human Kind. Wow! Teaching kids martial arts and meditation techniques to overcome the pain of cancer and treatment, and for some, to ultimately overcome the disease. Thank you NPR for your reminder that there is much beauty in this world.
It's been a good PCP day. I've discovered that I LOVE, LOVE soft-boiled eggs, mashed up with avocado, a little black pepper and a couple teeny weeny dashes of Marie Sharp's (Belizean habanero hot sauce, yes, technically a no-no, but I equate it with mustard, it takes so little to feel the burn). Spread egg/avo mixture across a piece of wheat toast. A keeper! Also, I found a resistance band that's light enough to successfully do the shoulder work. Booyah! No longer grumpy. :)
#1. I was listening to a Hearing Voices Podcast at work this morning, Radio Dial was the episode. In it they interviewed this dude that records the radio signals (sounds) emitted by stars and played some of his recordings. I don't really know how to describe the beauty of star sounds, maybe think of how you would imagine the cosmos to sound, and really, that's how they sound. I was deeply moved by the knowledge that stars sing and we can hear them. I don't know why, but there is something incredibly comforting about that to me. And, it made me think of this hilarious but pretty cool video:
We are made of star stuff! Haha! Seriously, if we're made of star stuff, then we are capable of awesomeness, definitely capable of finishing the PCP successfully.
#2. Kids Kicking Cancer. Heard about this on Human Kind. Wow! Teaching kids martial arts and meditation techniques to overcome the pain of cancer and treatment, and for some, to ultimately overcome the disease. Thank you NPR for your reminder that there is much beauty in this world.
It's been a good PCP day. I've discovered that I LOVE, LOVE soft-boiled eggs, mashed up with avocado, a little black pepper and a couple teeny weeny dashes of Marie Sharp's (Belizean habanero hot sauce, yes, technically a no-no, but I equate it with mustard, it takes so little to feel the burn). Spread egg/avo mixture across a piece of wheat toast. A keeper! Also, I found a resistance band that's light enough to successfully do the shoulder work. Booyah! No longer grumpy. :)
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Dear Salt,
Grumpy in Gainesville
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Day 8 - CHAOS
Ok, first, I need to get something of my chest $^@%*!$*%&!()*$!!!!!! I feel better. I've been waiting all day to let that out. Wow, it's been a long, long crazy day. But, let me start with my last non-PCP meal. Pizza! I had a very specific place in mind, Big Lou's...good pizza and a huge variety of toppings. I called at 9PM to place a pick-up order....the lady on the other end said, we're closed for the night. Ummmmm...you're what???? Ooooookay, back up plan. Satchel's. Closed on Mondays. Shit. I was not about to get my last pizza slice for months from Five Star, the late night drunk pizza place. But, I worked it out. See product below.

And, me enjoying said product.
Fast forward to this morning. For some reason, I thought I was prepared to deal with this change in diet. I was sorely mistaken. I mean, wtf, Patrick! Is this like a shock and awe? Bam, here's your new diets, mid-week, go! Really, I guess it's more like sink or swim. I stayed above water, barely. It took me an hour and a half to pull together breakfast and lunch for the day. I kept reaching for things I would have used before realizing that they were now deemed no touchies! ARGH!!! Stupid habits. I looked longingly at the last of my blueberry frosted mini-wheats. Oh, how easy to just pour in bowl, add milk and eat. Personally, I like my food to taste good. I can't say that I felt that much of the food I ate for breakfast or lunch really tasted good. It was ok, just not good. Well, the peaches and blueberries were f'n awesome, actually! Part of the problem was that I hadn't planned for the protein. So, ended up opening a can of tuna and sadly realized I could not add mayonnaise. :(!!! So, I tried the last of my plain low fat yogurt. It was weird, edible, but weird. I'll spare you the rest of the details. Let's just say, I made it, by the skin of my teeth. I stopped at the grocery store tonight. I'm stocked on shrimp, fish & scallops now.
But, Patrick made up for this sink or swim strategy by informing me that a little fresh coconut in my rice was ok. If I could reach you, I'd hug you. Good news is, I probably burned more calories trying to open it than I gained eating it. The small glass of coconut water in the glass to the left was delicious in my rice tonight.
Accompanied by black beans (yum!) and steamed zucchini with a little lime juice squeezed over the top. A decent end to an interestingly difficult food day. The workout was nice tonight. I saved it for the evening, and it was cool and breezy outside. Everything went well, but I had the same problem as Royce with the Davincis. I pulled as high as I could...definitely felt like I was working. My push-ups are actually amazing me. I've never been good at them before, but I'm rocking them right now.
Alright, the Paddle down here in Gainesville is signing out. Still, need to prep a couple things before bedtime.
P.S. If any of you like good music (and I'm sure you all do), the new Damian Marley/Nas collaboration is awesome! Distant Relatives, check it out. It kept me company in the kitchen tonight. x's & o's!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Day 6 - Ouch!
My butt hurts...and the backs of my thighs! Owie, owie, owie! I can't decide if it's from increasing the squats, from walking around for 3 hours in ridiculously high (but sexy) heels or from dancing for 2 hours late into the night. I don't know, but damn. I had a late night snack when I got home last night. A cup of milk & a handful of blueberries. I like to drink milk before I go to bed if I'm a little wired. Calms me somehow. And, I'm sorry, but it's WAY too hot & muggy in Florida right now to drink chamomile tea before bed. My house is without A/C, so this time of year, I prefer iced drinks. I wonder if chamomile tea is good cold?
I have not done the exercises yet today, but will take care of them soon. I got up and went peach picking this morning with some friends. I brought back 7 lbs of peaches. I sure hope that fruit is in the diet this week, cause I got some peach eatin' in my future. For breakfast, I had an egg scrambled with a little bit of cheese, half a potato (fried) and some watermelon. Lunch, 1/2 bratwrust (still some in fridge) and cucumber/yogurt/mint salad. Not sure about dinner yet. I'll have to root through the fridge. I don't want to do any shopping until I know more clearly what I need to be shopping for this week.
Okay, off to catch up on everyone's posts & start checking some of the stuff off of today's to do list.
UPDATE: Work-out complete. Jumprope + humidity = hell? Ridiculous humidity this afternoon! Florida summers, how I love you! By the end of my sets of push-ups, I was dripping streams of sweat on my towel.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Day 5 - Murder & Dancing
A quick post before I head out for some 80's dancing tonight! Woohoo! So far, success on the no beer resolve. And, let me tell you, it was not easy. I just got home from a Murder Mystery party (A Knight of Murder) hosted by people I don't really know all that well. But, almost everybody else knew everybody else. Not drinking at an event where I have to dress up, play a character and interact with a bunch of people I barely know...well, it ain't no cake walk. Still, I had fun!
As a general update, it's been a light food day, but I treated myself to a spicy tuna roll. So worth it! The workout was a little tough this morning. Maybe because I went to bed so late? About 1AMish. I'm an early riser, so even when I go to bed late, I still tend to wake up early. I've been doing bigger sets of jumps. So, I did two 140 this morning and one 70. But, I tripped a lot in the second 140 and I was pretty winded by the end. I did 3 sets of 8 plank push-ups, until failure on the 4th set...and, I switched back to knees. But, still, I was proud of that accomplishment and totally dripping sweat on the floor by the end. The sit-ups were a challenge to but pushed through them. All in all, good day.
Alrighty, off to shake my ass to a little Madonna and possibly some New Order & Prince!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Day 4 - Reach for the sun
And, with that, I'm off to face the weekend. My biggest challenge this weekend...stay away from the drinking! On the schedule for this evening is watching this fabulously horrible version of Sherlock Holmes (same folks that made Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus, a must see), but these types of movies usually involve some serious drinking. I will keep my resolve. No beer shall pass these lips!
Day 4 complete and onto Day 5. Enjoy your Friday, m'lovies!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
On soreness
Since there's been a little discussion on soreness, I thought I'd relate a story about a group class I went to at the UF gym. Boot camp. I'm not really sure why boot camp sounded like something I'd want to do, but well, I like challenging myself (seems like perhaps we all do to take on the PCP)...and, when I say challenge myself, I mean push myself to find my breaking point. Boot camp seems like the logical place to go for this sort of "challenge" (aka evil torture). So, I go to this group class, and they bust my ass...the kind of ass busting that results in muscles that barely move the next day. I waddled around work the day after looking all sad. Even sitting was a chore. And, then came day two, I should have just stayed home with a bottle of ibuprofen and a bubble bath. I recovered in just enough time to go back for boot camp torture the next week. This lasted for 3 weeks until I started my qualifications exams (a different kind of torture) and boot camp fell the wayside.
I relate this story mostly to thank Patrick for easing us in....our muscles are sore, yes, but this seems like a much more healthy sore than the boot camp after-waddle. Anyway, glad to hear everyone is holding up against the soreness. Pain, a sensation to remind us that we are, indeed, still alive!
Day 3, workout went fine. I decided I have to wear long pants for the jumps outside. Yesterday, the mosquitos ate me alive! Little blood-sucking bastards! I did all the strength work inside. Seems to work better that way. I hooked my feet under my sofa for the sit-ups and it was MUCH more effective. My abs were sore and I could really feel the burn this morning. So, something is happening in there. I love the push-up bars. Those are the greatest little things ever...they give me a good work-out and save my right wrist from a good amount of pain.
Food. I have some brats left in my fridge from a cook-out this weekend. So, I ate half a brat with a small sliver of cheese for breakfast and the other half for lunch. I could feel the lunch brat...even half was heavy on my stomach after eating light for the last couple days. Please refer to pic below for dinner. I ended up only eating half of the sauteed zucchini. I just wasn't super hungry and saved it for breakfast. Also had a small salad with various veggies for lunch and a handful of blueberries for a snack. Drank the last good beer out of my fridge. Done, beer all gone. And, my girl made that mock apple (zucchini) pie tonight. So, I had a small spoonful with a spoonful of vanilla ice cream. It was GOOD!
Limits - Special Motivational Post
This is a motivational piece for my PCP group. I'm sharing this NPR podcast on the limits of the human body and mind, because I found it to be fascinating and topical. Take a listen. I think this is one of the best radio shows around right now...along with This American Life & Hearing Voices.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Cravings? What cravings?
Mmmmmm....beer. Seriously, in my non-PCP life, it was a rough day. Personal drama, trust me, you don't want to know. But when I got home, this beautiful ice cold beer looked refreshing and delicious. Luckily, we are still on half diets, so the half I recapped and did not drink with my fish taco last night was waiting for me. And, yes, it was refreshing AND delicious. But, this picture represents the last of these beautiful Fire Rock Pale Ales hanging out in my fridge. I promise not to buy anymore. You know, I was surprised at how well a half beer quieted my hunger pangs.
Half-diet is going well. Hunger pangs are most severe from 11 AM to 6-7ish in the evening. I can't explain it. I'm fine in the morning, eat breakfast and fine until almost lunchtime. Eat my half lunch, still hungry, hungry for the rest of the day and then bam, I eat a small dinner and I feel ok again. Any ideas? Why those hours specifically?
Work-out went well. The leg lifts were definitely challenging...I felt them. And, I am definitely sore from push-ups. I made it out for a 3 mile run this morning, too. So, all in all, things are going well in my PCP life.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Maybe I am crazy, but it's the good kind
Ok, so it's Day One of PCP. Before I send this blog out to family and friends and post it all over Facebook, I would like to answer the question, "why? why in the hell am I choosing to "torture" myself into peak condition?" I know, I'm skinny, small...I don't need to lose weight. I've gotten the kind of looks that say, "what, that's not good enough for you?" Well, the answer is yes and no. I'm happy with my body, but at the same time, I want to know...what will it look like in peak condition? How will I feel in peak condition? I can't answer those questions right now, and this project is part of seeking those answers.
But, there's more to it. The last year, especially up until January has been a trying ride. An emotional rollercoaster, really...and, it's felt like a rollercoaster. Completely and totally out of my control. But, at the same time, even when there are factors out of my control, I always control my emotional reaction to those things. In a way, with this project, I'm seeking control. Controlling emotions is difficult. It takes training and honesty with oneself. In a way, I'm starting small...controlling what goes into my body and how I treat my body. Once I master that, I can move onto other issues and maybe really start to feel more of a handle on my life.
The last issue is my ability to follow-thru on a project. I recently decided to take a break from my PhD. I'm not sure if I will come back and finish it. The future is open right now. But, it was a hard decision to make...walking away from something I've already dedicated 4 years to is scary. It makes me wonder, have I lost my ability to follow-thru? What's wrong with me that I can't finish this project that I started? But, it feels like the right move, so I'm sticking with my decision. In a way, I think starting and completing this project is a big part of showing myself that I can commit and see something thru to the end.
So, there you go. Does that answer the question? :) I am crazy, but really, aren't we all?
Just to update you on how day one is going....work-out completed without too much trouble. Push-ups were a bit challenging but I completed them. The rest felt pretty easy. The challenging part right now, though. I'm hungry! Oh god, am I hungry! I kind of feel like I eat small portions anyway, so cutting them in half makes me feel like I'm eating nothing. For breakfast, half a hard-boiled egg, half a bowl of blueberry mini-wheats with a small handful of blueberries...and some coffee with a bit of Coffeemate. Lunch, half a 6-inch turkey/ham sub, extra veggies and a bag of apple slices. I ate all the apple slices, b/c dude, they were only 35 calories and I'd normally eat a whole bag of chips. Oh, and unsweet tea. Dinner will probably be a fish taco and a small scoop of ice cream with blueberries. Soooooo hungry! :)
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